Guest Post: Ending my Career


“It is the toughest thing I’ve ever done. I took for granted all the things I did as an athlete because I never thought I would have to end my career this soon. My teammates are very supportive right now, but it just doesn’t feel the same.”

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Guest Post: On Quitting Volleyball


An athlete shares about leaving volleyball, “I remembered all the athletes had a meeting on the floor I needed to be on. I was passing tons of people on the stairwell, unknowing they were all athletes, until I passed my Athletic Director who patted me on the shoulder. I didn’t even know he knew me. And the pat wasn’t just a ‘I know you’ pat, but it was like a consolation pat.”

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Guest Post: Sharing Her Thoughts About Our Website


A fellow athlete shares her thoughts about the purpose of our online community at, “Most people don’t have a support group after they quit sports —for most of them their “support group” was their teammates and/or people in their sport and it’s hard to keep those connections when you are no longer a part of that world.”

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Guest Post: Chape: Personal Trainer: On Motivating Clients



Before we start, I want to thank Margaret and Evan for their kind invitation, and the chance to meet all their amazing followers. Our blogs started at the same time, we’ve been following each other since the beginning and I´m pleased to be here.

 What’s your typical client?

My typical online clients are young and busy women who want to lose a few pounds. They are disciplined and focused. They prefer home training and need some guidance on training and eating.

In person, I´m used to men, also busy, who want more muscle. They indulge themselves often and always willing to change the training program. They like going to the gym but need someone who keeps them accountable and focused.

How do you motivate clients? 

I keep their eyes on the prize, and give them as much positive feedback as I can.

First, my clients’ goals are always present. That’s what they want, what really motivates them. Not achieving what they want is what pushed them to hire me. They already are motivated when I meet them, I just need to keep them this way a few months. To do so, I like to focus on what they’re doing right, congratulate them for their progress as I encourage them to work on their weak areas.

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Visit Chape: Personal Trainer at

To be continued in future posts…

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