What You Tell Yourself Matters: Positive Self-Talk



Studies suggest that positive self-talk enhances self-esteem, motivation, and performance.

A study on female soccer players observed the positive effects of self-talk in terms of concentration and shooting performance.

Read more: https://www.goalliedathletes.com/forums.html#!/@goalliedathletes

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Guest Post: Sharing Her Thoughts About Our Website


A fellow athlete shares her thoughts about the purpose of our online community at http://www.GoAlliedAthletes.com, “Most people don’t have a support group after they quit sports —for most of them their “support group” was their teammates and/or people in their sport and it’s hard to keep those connections when you are no longer a part of that world.”

Read more on: http://www.goalliedathletes.com/forums.html

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